5 Surprising Ways Your Mattress Your Mattress Affects Sleep and Health – Huff Post
We came across this article in the Huntington Post. Even though it’s a couple of years old, we thought it was definitely worthy of a post in mattress talk.
There are some good tips in the video associated with the article, specifically the interview with Dr Robert Oexman who runs the Sleep to Live Institute. Some quick take-aways;
- What feels good to you in the store may not be what feels right at home. Spend a bit of time laying on the mattress at the store if you can.
- Are you allergic to the mites and items which tend to form in most mattresses? (hint, use a protector you can wash!)
- When to get a new mattress? Even though mattresses can last 7 – 10 years, consider replacing before your mattress shows signs of wear and sagging support.
- 92% of people say a comfortable mattress is important to a good night sleep.
- Keep the screens out of the bedroom. The light keeps us awake and prevents proper sleep.
- In a 2009 Study, 59 healthy men and women slept 28 nights on their regular mattress. Then they slept on a new med-firm mattress. The researchers found a significant reduction in stress.
- If you have asthma, you may want to invest in a mattress protector and change your mattress more often. As many as 20 million Americans, and 2 million Canadians are allergic to dust mites found in beds.

We’re proud of the natural products we use at Fawcett. We utilize the most natural and sustainable materials we can source on the market.
The natural latex we use is tapped from Havea-Brasiliensis rubber trees. It also has the added benefit of being naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and is dust mite resistant. Who likes bugs? No thanks!
— Thanks Steve for sourcing this article!