We care deeply about our customers and their sleep.


Authentic Reviews by your Canadian Neighbours

Yes. Our product reviews are authentic!

Most mattress companies filter and remove negative mattress reviews. Fawcett does not. The good, the bad and ugly is there. Mostly good!  Profanity and personal information will be removed, but hey, that's to be expected, right?

Google Reviews

Google Reviews have a high degree of integrity. Google won’t remove a negative review, even if it seems fraudulent or untrue. So, with that, check out Fawcett’s 100% authentic Google Mattress Reviews!


P.S. Make sure you click on the “Posted on Google” icon to read our replies to any negative reviews!

Mattress Reviews by your Canadian Neighbours

Yes. Our reviews are authentic!

Most mattress companies filter and remove negative mattress reviews. Fawcett does not. The good, the bad and ugly is there. Mostly good!  Profanity or personal information will be removed, but hey, that's to be expected, right?