What is the healthiest bed and mattress?
There are some crazy chemical baths out there. Yes. We’re talking about your mattress! Do you own a memory foam mattress? Thinking about one? Don’t do it!
Over 95% of mattresses produced globally contain toxic chemicals and substances that are linked to serious health issues. Memory foam in general is one of the worst offenders. Some of these chemicals are;
Natural is Best
We’re really proud to use natural materials at Fawcett. Not only are our mattresses incredibly comfortable, they also are healthier. So, what’s in a Fawcett Mattress?
The components of our Fawcett mattresses are:
Natural Talalay Latex Foam from Vita Talalay healthy, breathable, hypoallergenic and non-off gassing.
Joma Wool from New Zealand – naturally fire resistant, temperature regulating and moisture wicking.
Organic Cotton Ticking with High Thread Count - This is the part of your mattress that you sleep the closest to.
Simalfa Adhesives Water based, adhesive is a nasty sounding word, but it doesn’t have to be!
Unprocessed Cotton Felt – is a felted cotton padding used to add comfort and additional layers.
Pocket Coil Springs in our Hybrid Mattresses: M6, M7, M8 and M9
- M1 and M2 feature 6 inch latex cores with no springs.
So, what is the healthiest bed and mattress?
We can’t say we produce THE healthiest mattress in the world. However, we’re definitely creating the healthiest mattress that we can, with the most sustainable and natural materials available!
Check out our Health Care Practitioner
Less than a Dollar a Day?
So, if we spend 30% of our lives on a mattress, does it make sense to invest in a quality healthy mattress? We’re talking about an investment of less than a dollar a day over the lifetime of the mattress, to ensure you’re sleeping on something to keep you healthy.
Which leads us to a question…What are you sleeping on! Our amazing, non off gassing mattresses (Model 6) start at $999.