- Vacuum your mattress. We suggest about once a month. But if you’re someone who vacuums their home once a month, try for once every 3 months. Baby steps.
- Use baking soda. Sprinkle some on your mattress, gently rub it in with a brush, and then repeat step 1. Vacuum up the baking soda. This will help keep your mattress smelling fresh and clean.
- Keep liquids away from your mattress! Moisture and mattress are not a good mix.
- Use the hottest water setting on your washing machine when you wash your sheets every week. Use a high setting for the dryer too, so that any critters meet their demise.
- Get a mattress protector. It will mean you don’t have to clean your mattress as often and reduce the chance for mite infestation and body oils contamination. We recommend the Dream Serene or the St Dormier Wool protector for the best protection.
Flipping your mattress is sensible in the event you own a flippable mattress! Generally mattresses that have a “pillow top” are not flippable. However, at Fawcett our “pillow top” (we don’t call them that…but lest I digress) mattresses are flippable.
Both our Model 2 (latex core) and Model 9 (spring core) come with a 3 inch latex “topper” which is like a pillow top, but better.
Why? Because it’s not attached to the lower part of the mattress and can be flipped. The lower core can also be flipped if in some of our models. Want a flipper, we can create you a flipper.;-)
So, these type of options help ensure your mattress lasts a long time Along with keeping up with your 5 Ways to Keep Your Mattress Clean of course.
The post 5 Ways to Keep Your Mattress Clean appeared first on Fawcett Natural Mattresses.