There’s no easy answer to this question. There are scientific reasons related to why some mattresses are uncomfortable for you, but others say they are fine. Doctors in a WebMD article say:
“When you lie on any part of your body for an extended period of time, the weight of it reduces the flow of blood through those blood vessels, which deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients,” Decker says. This causes nerve cells and pain sensors in your skin to send a message to your brain for you to roll over. Rolling over restores blood flow to the area, but it also briefly interrupts your sleep. Ideally, a mattress that reduces the pressure points on your body should give you a better night’s sleep, Decker says. Yet the ideal mattress is different for each person.”
That makes sense. However, some people prefer a firm mattresses and some like a soft one. If you’re single, you may have luck in finding a mattress that matches your body type.
However, for couples, what about if your spouse prefers a firm bed, and you like a bed that is more forgiving and soft. Or more accurately, you need a different mattress firmness to ensure proper sleep patterns. Generally, one of you would have to sacrifice, or maybe both of you – by meeting in the middle somewhere regarding firmness.
This all-to-common compromise is something we at Fawcett Mattress set out to solve – and have. With a Fawcett Mattress, you can custom order each side of the bed to a specific firmness and custom comfort, that’s right for you, and your partner.
Perhaps the best part? Customization of your mattress is simply part of the way we build mattresses at Fawcett. Without compromise. There’s no additional charge or fee to create the perfect mattress for you and your family.
Customization of a mattress relates directly to sleep comfort. Sleep comfort directly correlates with sleep longevity. If you’re not getting an appropriate amount of deep sleep, then your mind and body suffers.

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