Children’s Sleep and Stress - Fawcett Mattress

Children’s Sleep and Stress

As adults, we’re (sometimes acutely) aware that stress can cause a lack of sleep for us. But what about our children? Do they actually lose sleep from worrying about things?

Unfortunately, lack of sleep due to stress isn’t exclusive to adults. 20% of kids aged 8 to 17 say they worry a lot. Anxiety can lead to a lack of sleep and higher levels of cortisol (not good for our bodies/system with over extended periods of time).


What can you do?

  • You can help your child manage stress and anxiety by spending calm, family time together.
  • Help your child manage their anxiety VS trying to eliminate it.
  • Don’t avoid things just because they cause anxiety.
  • Express positive, but realistic expectations.
  • Respect their feelings but don’t endorse them.
  • Keep it real. Don’t reinforce their fears or ask leading questions.

How about physical factors?

Questions? Simply drop us a line @ 250.384.2558 or Email Us and we’ll be happy to help.

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